Opinions HP PhotoSmart Printer 1270greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread |
I am debating with myself - to buy an Epson Photo Printer or an HP. I believe the HP Printers are more reliable (no evidence). At this time the only difference is that the Epson have "archival" ink in their new model that prints up to size 13X19 inches. The HP will also print up to 13X19 inches. I have read that some people are spraying their prints to preserve them (with some protection agains UV light?). Some opinions and/or experience with these printers and the prints?
-- Vic LaBolle (viclabo@northcoast.com), March 14, 2000
Apologies for the misnomer. The HP Printer is 1220 - the Epson is 1270. Buying a printer these days is like buying a dryer at Sears.
-- Vic LaBolle (viclabo@northcoast.com), March 15, 2000.
Well I love HP printers but I was playing with the Epson 870, the little brother to the 1270 and it turned out STUNNING prints. Nothing in the price range even comes close. It makes my 1520 look like garbage. HP uses composite black meaning its PhotoRET color layering technology is mixing colors to achieve black. Personally I will the 1270 soon even if is a little more ink hungry than the HP, its that good.
-- Cris Daniels (danfla@gte.net), March 16, 2000.