The Leeds two : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Woodgate and Bowyer both freed on bail till the 9th of June.

'Residential' Conditions attached to bail but these do NOT stop them travelling at home or abroad with Leeds United.

The season and Euro Cups will all be over before it comes to court again.....handy, or am I being cynical.

-- Anonymous, March 17, 2000


It is all very convenient, however it's normal for there to be a delay before going to court and they're unlikely to go on the run or commit any more crimes so I don't suppose the police opposed bail. And presumably their lawyers argued that club trips are supervised excursions vital to their careers. I seem to remember that Kung Fu Eric didn't go on trial until the summer either. Bang'em up I say and leave them in the showers with a couple of jail queens.

-- Anonymous, March 17, 2000

They will be praying they don't get someone like you for a Judge Dread

If I was really cynical I would be expecting the time between know & the trial to be used to persuade the witnesses that the fracas was nothing more than a disagreement between young'uns who'd partaken of too much liquid based relaxant, creating an unusual mix of emotions which were vented in what appeared to be violence but what was in fact frustration at personal failings of being unable to articulate the words befitting their feelings.

Not guilty of GBH but guilty of a public disorder offence.

-- Anonymous, March 17, 2000

Dread said: And presumably their lawyers argued that club trips are supervised excursions vital to their careers.

These won't be the same layers a certain Mr S Collymore uses then, will it.

-- Anonymous, March 17, 2000

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