NIKON why no cable release sockets on digicams? : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

You can figure out how to put exposure histograms in the Coolpix 990, but you can't quite figure out how to drill a hole in the picture-taking button? Seems like someone's trying to keep professional photographers from wanting to purchase the thing. How about making a pledge that future Nikons costing more than $100 can take a cable release? Or how about offering a low cost accessory that will let us screw a cable release onto current coolpix's?

-- Russell Bozian (, March 17, 2000


We will have an electronic cable release (1.5-2 meters-not final yet) in June/July.

The release will connect to the USB/Serial port of the camera (but is not USB/Serial) and will give you zooming control, firing, and intervalometer. More details to follow.

The price has not been set-we will announce it in the near future.

The switch on the shutter is not a mechanical-but electrical one in the last 3 900 series designs and would not work with current threaded cable releases. I will make another request for future Coolpix models to have a cable release thread. I hope that is a fair promise.


-- Mike Rubin, Product Marketing Manager Nikon (, March 22, 2000.

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