Nikon - leave scanner on all day? : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread


I've recently added an LS-30 to my SCSI chain. Might any harm be done by having the scanner turned on for extended periods?


-- Scott J. Little (, March 18, 2000


Well like anything-it will warm itself up circuit wise-and drains natural resources (albeit about 15 watts)-and it will calibrate the CCD (not light source) every 15 minutes or so.

The LED's will not burn out or change characteristics.

So it is safe-but a waste of energy (as I have all the lights on in my hotel room....)


-- Mike Rubin, Product Marketing Manager Nikon (, March 23, 2000.

Fair enough...I'll turn it off when I pry myself from the Mac.

The scanner has been working quite well. The Digital ICE feature alone is worth the price of admission.


-- Scott J. Little (, March 23, 2000.

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