NIKON Coolscan LS-30 availability : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread


I've been waiting patiently for internet resellers to get the LS-30 in stock. They've all been out of stock for several weeks. Any idea when Nikon expects to ship some more?


Don Reed

-- Don Reed (, March 20, 2000


I was not aware of this. We should have stock. Try your local dealer or some of the catalogs!


I will look into this.


-- Mike Rubin, Product Marketing Manager Nikon (, March 23, 2000.

Well, I waited and waited. Finally decided to buy the Minolta Dimage Scan Elite. At $300 more, I'm glad I did. Received it two days after placing the order, and I've been very pleased. The Digital ICE is remarkable, and it has has slightly higher resolution (2820 vs. 2700) and significantly higher dynamic range (3.6 vs. 3.0) compared to the Nikon LS-30.

Just checked around today out of curiosity, nearly five months after I posted here originally, and the Nikon LS-30 is still (or again) backordered!

Don Reed

-- Don Reed (, August 16, 2000.

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