What's your superpower?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Jan : One Thread

Go to http://www.emode.com/tests/superpower.html and then report back with the results. My superpower is time travel -- so don't cross me or I'll go back in time and make fun of you when you were a kid.

-- Anonymous, March 21, 2000


Mine's time travel, too. Maybe we should start a time-travel guild.

-- Anonymous, March 21, 2000

Mine is super speed. I don't really have anything to say about that.

-- Anonymous, March 21, 2000

my super power was something to do with premonition. if i was truly gifted in this area, would my life have ended up such a mess? i was amused.

-- Anonymous, March 21, 2000

i'm time travel too. the analysis was pretty damn accurate, too.

-- Anonymous, March 21, 2000

I'm a CHAMELEON! But by the looks of it, they mean I'm like some sort of personality yo-yo rather than being able to morph into other things. I'd much rather the latter.

Fruitcake Heaven

-- Anonymous, March 22, 2000

Stand back!

I have X-RAY vison!

'nuff said.

-- Anonymous, March 22, 2000

Throwing in lame personality info when all you expected was cool superpower info is no fair. I think that "chameleon" means you have the Ability! to Morph! Into Cool Other Stuff! And not the lame personality crap it said.

And yeah, you X-ray cool kids think you're all that, but my awesome Time Travel club (members so far: Carolyn, Eva and Keith) can kick your ass in three separate dimensions, with time left over to have a leisurely lunch. Hoo-ah!

-- Anonymous, March 22, 2000

Animal Communication -- it's okay. It's all right. It's not the bestest superpower (I have visions of SuperFriends going on great adventures and I'm at the zoo talking to my buddies) and I have NO IDEA where that came from. Oh well.

I take comfort in my celebrity match -- Harrison Ford.

-- Anonymous, March 23, 2000

ready for this? ...

i can see through glass!


-- Anonymous, March 24, 2000

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