If anyone goes to the club shop

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Could they do me huge favour please ? Im looking to get any of the babygear for newborns in the home colours ( we've got all the away stuff ) ie romper , playsuit etc .. as it seems they are as rare as rocking horse sh*te . Ill pay up , but im not aware if there is available . Softie and Dunc you must know what with you having newly borns , BTW hope theyre comin ' on canny .:-)

-- Anonymous, March 22, 2000


I'll have a look for you Grant - I got a load of home gear for one of my nephews, so I'd be surprised if its all gone.

-- Anonymous, March 22, 2000

Mmm. WE could only get away kit and training tops; as you say home kit seems thin on the ground. I've got some home kit but it's hand-me-downs from a couple of seasons ago.

SOftie, has your nipper arrived yet?

-- Anonymous, March 22, 2000

There was tons of it in the club shops in January. Though maybe with the Tyneside baby boom there's been a run on it? ;-)

-- Anonymous, March 22, 2000


I'll have a look in tomorrow. Dunc you forgot to mention that it was top quality hand me downs.


-- Anonymous, March 22, 2000

Toon baby-gear has been removed from the shelves. Instead, it has been added to the players' bonus scheme. What else can explain the number of players with bairns on the way?

-- Anonymous, March 22, 2000

Grant, My latest (grandson) who is 7 months now is decked out in home romper and jim jams, also sent a batch over to Galway two months ago, All my stuff was ordered out of the catologue and the spring edition received a while back is shown as still stocking the items you mention. Buff

-- Anonymous, March 22, 2000

"SOftie, has your nipper arrived yet?"

"I'll have a look for you" says Softie - classic stuff, [on the pi$$ with Screacher, priorities!] ;-))

-- Anonymous, March 22, 2000

I did notice about a week ago the online club shop was still selling the home babygear for babies on sale. Checked today and it is no longer on sale, or indeed for sale. Glad I got the works for my unborn (due July) whilst still available.

-- Anonymous, March 22, 2000

Obviously there's been a baby boom on Tyneside! As with Buff, I got my second daughter's sleepsuit via mail order last autumn I think.

Interesting that the baby gear's so popular. Branded from birth, that's us. Actually branding irons might sell quite well too ;-)

-- Anonymous, March 23, 2000

Cheers all , if anyone does see the baby stuff in home clours and i mean owt , just get it for me and the cheque is in the post . Here's hoping as the bairn comes home the night :-)

-- Anonymous, March 23, 2000

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