Viewfinder accuracy test pictures : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

How should I read the viewfinder accuracy test pictures?

E.g. when you say that the Canon Pro70 LCD viewfinder is "dead on 100%" and "well-centered", the test images seem to show the opposite. It is impossible to tell if they are 100% because there are no 3:2 rectangles but at least they are quite a bit off-center (left/right and top/bottom).

With other images - that are 4:3 - it is hard to guess what you were aiming at. In the LCD wide angle test image of the Casio QV-3000 - where you say "The LCD monitor was also a bit loose, showing about 90 percent of the final image area in wide angle..." - the area of the bold lined box is about 82% of the total image and the area of the next (bigger) box is 97%.

Should I look for the bold lined box ? Or the box that covers most of the image? {This is not to criticize your very informative site - it is just something I don't understand...}

-- Ruud Blauw (, March 29, 2000

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