BANGALORE - 'SMK Bug Replacing Y2K' (short lighthearted article) : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread

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'SMK bug replacing Y2K'


After the Y2K-bug, now it is a new bug - smk (S M Krishna) - circulating in the State. According to Leader of Opposition in the Legislative Council K H Srinivas, the computer installed in his room, was affected from 'smk virus`.

During the discussions on budget proposals, the Opposition leader said his computer was out of order, since the day he assumed office. When he enquired with the officials about the problem, they said the computer was affected with Y2K bug and it would be recitified soon.

In a lighter vein, Mr Srinivas said it was not the Y2K bug but the ''smk virus`` which is affecting the computer.

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-- (, March 29, 2000

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