QV-3000- A/C needed for download to computer?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Aloha all! I have heard that the Casio QV-2000 and QV-3000 might have a problem downloading through USB while on batteries. Is this true for the QV-3000? I will be using this on the road with my laptop over 90% of the time and it is essential that I be able to download without A/C power! Would an external battery pack "fool" the camera into thinking it is plugged in?


-- Rick Werner (mantaman@tiki.net), April 03, 2000


Hey Rick: I think the only problem would be if the batteries died in the middle of the download...you could damage the CF beyond repair (corrupt data at the very least). I always use an AC adaptor when downloading files. Maybe if you knew that your rechargables were 100% fresh maybe you'd be OK. I'm not sure. Do you use NiMHs?

-- John Kretsch (john_kretsch@excite.com), April 03, 2000.

Pardon my ignorance - but how could a battery dying damage the CF, even if it happened during a download?


-- Dan Desjardins (dan.desjardins@avstarnews.com), April 03, 2000.

I'm definitely not an expert. But voltage levels are set on different lines in the bus that says, "OK, I'm reading from you now" or "OK, I'm writing to you now." If these levels get messed up, you can start corrupting data, possibly irrepairably.

Have you ever had the power go out while your hard drive was reading/writing? I've had to throw one out.

Just my 2c.

-- John Kretsch (john_kretsch@excite.com), April 04, 2000.

External battery seems to work ok. I purchased a Radio Shack DC Auto Adapter (272-1815)and can plug the camera into the car battery or an external lead-acid battery pack. Works great. But you should also get the AC adapter from Casio 1-800633-0633 $47.45 including shipping.

-- Dave (daveboyett@aol.com), April 04, 2000.

Aloha back at you (I'm in Hono)

I purchased a QV3000EX for much the same reason. I am planning a trip across country and will post photos along the way with a laptop. My solution was to toss the alkalines, and purchase a MAHA C204 charger at the following address. They have a kit which includes an auto adapter and 4 NiMh batteries.


I've had ZERO problems so far. Keeping a fresh set of NiMh batteries in it for uploads is a very good idea. If for any other reason, your peace of mind... I recommend at least 3-4 sets of batteries for the road.



-- Jon (coongdog@bigfoot.com), May 01, 2000.

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