
greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

I was shopping for easter eggs @ the weekend and noticed an official FA Cup egg that comes with a ceramic cup. The egg was a bit shabby, but was clothed entirely in BLACK & WHITE foil :) I got the girlfriend to buy me one - but I don't dare touch it... Is this egg an omen from the footie Gods? Has anyone else seen signs ?

-- Anonymous, April 04, 2000


Just make sure that the black and white is still in the cup come Easter!

-- Anonymous, April 04, 2000

Can somebody tell me where magpies stand in the superstition states? I don`t know whether to encourge them or pelt bricks at them! (:o)

-- Anonymous, April 05, 2000

Allegedly..... seeing a lone magpie is unlucky, 2 is OK. Just wave nicely at them, they're all on our side!

-- Anonymous, April 05, 2000

Magpies are lucky in pairs but foreshadow sorrow when on their own. Nothing for you to worry about; by definition there are always at least 2 Magpies when a Toon fan views one of these magnificent birds :-)

-- Anonymous, April 05, 2000

I had a powerful and visionary dream last night which even outshone Glen Hoddle's singing at my ex's wedding.

I was going through living Hell in the dream, completely unable to relax. I then realised that I had 2 stones in my shoe which were literally burrowing into my foot. I got the shoe off and squeezed the stones out of my heel. One was a chip of granite and the other was smaller, but definitely a shard of steel.

I was musing over this before realising that it is a sign that we will be unbearably uncomfortable on Sunday until Dunc (big piece of granite) and Al (sheet-metal worker's son) come out into the light and relieve our suffering. It's in the bag!

-- Anonymous, April 05, 2000

Fascinating stuff Softie! I`ve finally found someone who`s dreams are as odd as my own! (:o)

-- Anonymous, April 05, 2000

by definition there are always at least 2 Magpies when a Toon fan views one of these magnificent birds :-) Argh...why didn't you tell me this before I spent the entire morning of the Blackburn match fretting because I'd seen a lone Magpie out the kitchen window. Fortunately a group of them flew across the highway on our way up there so I was finally able to relax.

PS. Don't let me near Dougal's kitchen window on Sunday morning, please. ;-)

-- Anonymous, April 05, 2000

Ciara it sounds like ull need to be right next to the winda , after last years escapades are owt to go by ; - )

-- Anonymous, April 05, 2000


You managed to get any work done today with all those computer problems being suffered in the city?

-- Anonymous, April 05, 2000

Sting...whatever you heard, it's all a lie. Mostly. *hic*

-- Anonymous, April 05, 2000

have you noticed how much my input on here has increased , mind you i still do not even touch the 'doss ' factor of some who frequent this board .. you know who you are ! ;- )

-- Anonymous, April 05, 2000

I saw three magpies yesterday. What does that mean in the footie world then?


-- Anonymous, April 05, 2000


3 Magpies usually means that you're gonna meet a girl, since your a girl yourself I would suggest that you quickly invest in a video camera and make yourself a small fortune...

-- Anonymous, April 05, 2000

I saw a group of 10 magpies on my way in to work this morning. Somebody reassure me it doesn't mean we're gonna get a man sent off. I think I'm getting the fear ;)

-- http://welcome.to/toonarmy

-- Anonymous, April 06, 2000

ooooo.....last time I knew of someone seeing a treeful of Magpies was when we thrashed Soton in January.

Tell me ma, me ma!! :-D

-- Anonymous, April 06, 2000

10-nil to the Toon it is then :)

-- http://welcome.to/toonarmy

-- Anonymous, April 06, 2000

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