kodak dc290 on imac

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

why does my imac occasionaly crash when i connect my dc290 to it?

-- tom nelson (twn56@netscape.net), April 05, 2000


There are bunches of updates for MacOS dealing with USB, have you tried upgrading to OS9, and then run software update from the control panel?

-- benoit (foo@bar.com), April 05, 2000.

My iMac and a new DC290 did not make it together. Crashes, mouse freezes etc, pure frustration. The software updates from Kodak were no help either. I took it back and swopped for a Nikon Coolpix 950, which connects simply to the iMac via USB reader card. Simplici

-- Nigel D Brown (N.D.Brown@btinternet.com), April 26, 2000.

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