Evening Panel Programs on Y2K April 12 & May 4greenspun.com : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread |
These panel programs promise to be extremely interesting with lots of new information being made public for the first time. Please feel free to circulate this press release to others who may be interested. All are welcome to attend these free programs. A video of the program may be made available for viewing on the Web at a later date.FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MEDIA CONTACT: Kim Hughes April 6, 2000 (202) 994-9023
EVENT: The George Washington University's Research Program in Social and Organizational Learning is sponsoring two panel programs on "Y2K: What Happened and What Has Been Happening Since January 1?" Panelists will focus on
~ national and global Y2K efforts and Y2K-related problems,
~ lessons being learned, and
~ continuing concerns.
Related topics include:
~ the March 29, 2000 final report of the President's Council on Year 2000 Conversion at http://www.y2k.gov/docs/LASTREP3.htmand
~ the March 22, 2000 responses from John Koskinen to a set of questions posed by Paula Gordon concerning national and global Y2K efforts to be posted at http://gwu.edu/~y2k/keypeople/gordon by April 10
~ the possible effect of Y2K and embedded systems problems on the energy sector
WHEN: Wednesday, April 12, and Thursday, May 4, 2000 7:30 - 9:30 p.m.
WHERE: The George Washington University 103 Funger Hall, 22nd and G Streets NW Washington, D.C. (Foggy Bottom/GWU Metro, blue and orange lines)
COST: Free and open to the public
Panelists for the April 12 program:
Olivia Bosch, Senior Research Fellow, Center for Global Security Research, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and International Institute for Strategic Studies, London
Stuart Rodman, Institute for Ecological Life Systems
Bud Hamilton, Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Georgia State University
TBA, American Petroleum Institute (Invited)
Stuart Umpleby, Professor, Department of Management Science and Director, Research Program in Social and Organizational Learning (RPSOL), GW University
Paula Gordon, Director of Special Projects, RPSOL, GW University
Media Questioner:
TBA, Reuters (Invited)
See the Announcements page at http://www.gwu.edu/~y2k/keypeople/gordon after April 21 for additional details concerning the next program.
-- Paula Gordon (pgordon@erols.com), April 07, 2000