Kodak DC290 and astrophotography

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I've read that the Kodak DC290 has a 16 sec shutter speed setting, and that the noise generated in low-light conditions is quite low.

My question is how does this camera perform at astrophotography? I'd be more interested in how it does with the Orion Nebula or the Andromeda Galaxy (or even binary stars), as opposed to lunar pictures.

Does it work well with filters installed in the telescope, or is it not sensitive enough for that?

Any responses would be greatly appreciated.


-- Karl Rasmussen (karlrasmussen@hotmail.com), April 07, 2000


I have not had very good luck with my DC290 and astrophotography. There just isn't enough control over the exposure to make it worth the effort. Use a manual 35mm SLR and scan in the film.

-- John Wilson III (nospam@hotmail.net), March 21, 2001.

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