Kodak Tiffs Not Usable

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I just received a CD of digital photos taken with a high-end Kodak camera for a story we are doing in our magazine, but none of my photo editing programs (Corel PhotoPaint 8.0, Adobe PhotoDeluxe, etc.) could get beyond the low-res thumbnail that I suppose is "attached" to each of the files, and after doing some research online, the creators of the Thumbnails Plus program say "Kodak Professional Digital Cameras (DCS-420, DCS-460) use the DCS format. For unknown reasons, Kodak decided to make these files TIFF files; but standard TIFF readers cannot access the actual image information -- only the thumbnail is available. The registered version of ThumbsPlus will properly recognize and decode DCS images; however, their extension must remain .TIF, as the Kodak library won't handle them otherwise." I am in the process of downloading a registered version of Thumbnails Plus but I am disturbed about this information and am wondering if anyone out there knows any more about this problem, so I can advise my photographer about how to output files that I can read without jumping through hoops (each photo tiff file he sent is about 5 megs, I just can't view the hi-res version, it's very frustrating..) - Jackie

-- Jackie Piro (jpiro@home.com), April 08, 2000


Photos from the Kodak camera are run through the Kodak acquire software before they can be read in programs like Photoshop. They do have their software on their website if you can figure out what all you need. If Thumbsplus works for you that might be the easier way

-- Ralph Obert (REObert@aol.com), April 08, 2000.

Photos from the Kodak camera are run through the Kodak acquire software before they can be read in programs like Photoshop. They do have their software on their website if you can figure out what all you need. If Thumbsplus works for you that might be the easier way.

-- Ralph Obert (REObert@aol.com), April 08, 2000.

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