Light source uneven : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

Please help. I have a LPL 3301D enlarger and am finding the light is uneven in the print. I just purchased the enlarger second hand from a friend who has never used it (it was still in the box). I've tried cleaning the lense, cleaning the condenser, checking the alignment and refitting the bulb but none of these work. I seem to be getting stronger light from one side. P.s Is it important to have the correct bulb for the enlarger?

Thanks Natalie

-- Natalie Porter (, April 10, 2000


It is very important to have the correct bulb, but if the enlarger is new it probably has it. You may need to adjust the condenser lenses until the the light covers properly. I'm not familiar with that particular enlarger, but some of them have an adjustment for the distance of the light source from the negative--check that too.

-- (, April 10, 2000.

I don't know the type of enlarger either, but most have different slots for condenser lenses when using enlarger lenses of different focal length. If you don't have the manual, it can be a time consuming trial and error job to find out where the condenser lenses should be. The distance of the lamp is important, too, and there should be some possibility of adjustement.


-- Sakari Makela (, April 17, 2000.

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