Zilla's ROCK!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B's Monster Rancher 2 : One Thread

Zilla's ROCK!

Just had to say, no more saying that pure zilla's suck. 'Cause Moby(laugh at the name and he'll crush you with a roll assault :P) just destroyed Most! :)

-- Billy Newlin (venom@usit.net), December 07, 1999


Ugh. When I fought Most with my sleepyhead, all my attacks had 1 hit% except for the hit techs which had like 10%. I won though after 7 tries.

-- Tiamat (sonofbahamut@hotmail.com), December 07, 1999.


Yeah, but I was getting tired of missing from past battles so my skill was almost 500 :) and I was using the A% techs(tail slap and headbutt). It still didn't have much chance in hitting but I only needed to club him once or twice to easily beat him(percentage wise). So I just waited for alot of guts and then tried until I hit him. I actually did have to load once but no big deal :) Thankfully my Dagon fought Paritoka, not Most. I don't think he could've tanken him. Oh yeah, and here's the good stuff I forgot earlier:

Moby - Zilla(Zilla/Zilla) - made from 2 Sueki Suezos + beard, 1 peach Lif 753 Pow 974 Int 140 Ski 486 Spd 103 Def 884 5 yrs. 6 mos.-year 1056 fame-100 loyalty-97 best,even,normal 134W 4L 104KO, 97.1% Win 173,000G purse Headbutt,Tail Lashes,Roll Assault(started with it),Knocking up(forte)

Also, for those Zilla fans, anyone notice they kind of have a natural defence? I mean, my Golem had the EXACT same defence as my Zilla(884) but Moby took less damage throughout the whole game. Anyone else?

-- Billy Newlin (venom@usit.net), December 07, 1999.



-- Tim Walters (jweehawk@postoffice.worldnet.att.net), December 07, 1999.


Most is the name of Master Pab's champion monster.

-- Tiamat (sonofbahamut@hotmail.com), December 07, 1999.


I can vouch for Zillas as I have one in the Hall of Fame now. Awesome power, pretty good life and defence, the other stats kind of stink though. One tip when fighting with Zillas, beware of withering opponents. Zillas suck at gaining guts and because of their lousy speed, can do little to avoid them. Man, I HATED that @^%^&$#* Rouge (The plant/pixie) in major 4. Blasted thing kept winning 'cause my Zilla didn't have enough Guts to do squat.

-- Dark Phoenix (Arax7@aol.com), December 07, 1999.


Sorry about the slip up, the "them" I was referring to in avoiding are withering attacks.

-- Dark Phoenix (Arax7@aol.com), December 08, 1999.


Thanks, just kinda wondering, thats all :-)

-- Tim Walters (jweehawk@postoffice.worldnet.att.net), December 08, 1999.


I had a Zilla once. It never listened to me. It ran away like every month. It had my name under its dislikes all the time. And I treated the thing like a god!!!

-- Kyle (rediba87@aol.com), December 28, 1999.


pink zillas (zilla/pixie) and goojis (zilla/tiger) rock! using RNA's method i got him above 4000 pts! thanks RNA!

-- MaJoBeRiDiOmEn!. (organomd@hvisions.com), February 25, 2000.


my zilla, vafer, is in stage 4 at 6 yo and kinda hung up on the s level official. started with terrible stats, tho, and has done pretty well for himself.

-- torey luvullo (dst10000@compuserve.com), February 25, 2000.

-- Black Razor (Allanmontalvo@mindspring.com), April 13, 2000

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