Zilla breeds

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B's Monster Rancher 2 : One Thread

Zilla breeds

Is there any othere sub zilla breeds then golem/zilla and pure zilla

-- Great Naga (Mankey56@Hotmail.com), February 25, 2000


unfortunately, no. only the golem has a zilla subbreed.

-- MaJoBeRiDiOmEn!. (organomd@hvisions.com), February 25, 2000.


I looked at your message because the title got me interested. After all, who doesn't love a little Zilla Bread toasted with some butter and jelly? ;)

-- G.S. (gatsby@autobahn.org), February 25, 2000.


Actually, if you've ever used a Pressure (golem/zilla) you'd see one sub-breed was enough. Those things are absolute brutes.

-- JSVB12 (JSVB12@aol.com), February 26, 2000.


Zilla spesies and sub-types:

pure Zilla

Gooji (Zilla/Tiger)

Pink Zilla (Zilla/Pixie)

Pressure (Golem/Zilla)

-- Eagle Fierce (Eagle1@Citynet.net), February 26, 2000.

-- Black Razor (Allanmontalvo@mindspring.com), April 13, 2000

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