does this story make you depressed? : LUSENET : americanlit : One Thread

The more I read this story the more I get frustrated. I keep wanting to see Lutie succede but so far she hasn't. Does anyone else feel the same way about this book? Maybe I like the book just because it is making me have a reaction. Anyway, it is getting very depressing to hear about how Lutie almost finds success and then has it destroyed right before her eyes. What do you think?

-- Anonymous, April 13, 2000


Yes, this book makes me very depressed! I kept on thinking, Oh it has to get better, but it never did. That's why I didn't like the book, it was too depressing. I read for enjoyment, not a reality check, and I really don't see why anyone would want to write such a depressing book. I guess, I just want to believe in a human's ability to look beyond their circumstances, and to see the beauty in things, and I want to believe in human's ability to rise above those circumstances and suceed by living a good life. I don't like hearing about people just giving up and letting their circumstances swallow them up.

-- Anonymous, April 14, 2000

I found Lutie's story to be frustrating too. And it is depressing when somebody tries so hard and doesn't get anywhere. It would be much more fun to read Oprah's story because she seems to have made her billion dollars and lived happily ever after. Oprah escaped her rural poverty, but she is an exception to the rule. Oprah is the exception to the rule no matter what her color is. I think though, that most poor black Americans are very lucky if they ever are able to rise above their poverty. There have been plans and programs over the years to reduce poverty, but it is still with us. Makes one wonder why there is so much poverty in the richest country in the world. Why can't people succeed when they try as hard as LUtie did?

-- Anonymous, April 15, 2000

It was terribly depressing to see Lutie, and I hate to use this word, fail. It is a shame that it happens in spite of her hard work.

-- Anonymous, April 17, 2000

Anytime a book...a movie...a play...ect doesn't have a "happily ever after" ending it is sad. What this book did teach me is that reality doesn't always have a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and to truelly understand and see things as they are they have to be REAL.

-- Anonymous, April 18, 2000

I completely agree with you. This book has sparked more of a reaction than any of the other ones that we have read. I honestly feel bad for Lutie, because of all of her misfortunes. The more I read this book the more I hope that Lutie will soon recieve some kind of a break, and that her and Bub will soon be able to leave the street behind them and begin a new life.

-- Anonymous, April 18, 2000

This book does give you a sickening feeling about Lutie's situation. I keep reading hoping to find that Lutie has gained what she has been reaching for, but I never see much more positive happen in her life. I like to read books with happy endings, so it is very dissappointing for me to read about these people who don't have much happiness in their lives. Like you, I have lots of reactions and emotions to the events in this book, so I can't help, but to become addicted to "The Street", even if it is depressing. This book is sadly very realistic with real people and emotions, and I think that is why we have felt so connected to it emotionally.

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2000

The point that you never see Luite succede is just a horrible thought. I feel sorry for her because she never gets a break, just when her hopes are up something bad happens. I don't really like books or movies that have an unhappy ended, sometimes it is good to watch them but they are still far from my favorites. The reality of it all sort of scares me. It is sad to think that this is not just a book, that Luties situation happens to many people still today.

-- Anonymous, April 25, 2000

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