too much thinking? : LUSENET : wellyeah : One Thread

as I've said in today's entry, I think most of the time. maybe I don't spend one moment not thinking of something..whether it be a daydream, dream, or just overanalyzing what people say and do on a daily basis.

soo what I'd like to know is, do you spend too much time thinking when you could be out there doing things?? I'd like to know.


-- Amber (, April 14, 2000


Oh definitely. I overanalyze and daydream excessively. This can only lead to bad things, as many a writing contest or submission deadline has passed without me writing a word towards it. Ack.

-- Samantha (, April 14, 2000.

ooh...that makes me think of how I have so many good story ideas in my head and half the story is already played out, but when I try to write it down later, and it doesn't add up right. it's funny how when the ideas are in your head it seems so good, and then it makes no sense or wasn't as great written down.

yep, I've even thought of writing for contests, but I can't work under pressure. that's the one time I can't think straight. hmm...

I know another thing I do...does anyone think out whole conversations with someone before it happens? or the different ways they could react to what you want to say? I do that all the time.

-- Amber (, April 14, 2000.

Yes *smile* allt he time. I've even had vicious imaginary fights with people because of what they said in imaginary conversations with my imaginary self .... fortunately I've not yet accused any of them in real life :P.

-- Raven (, April 16, 2000.

raven, oh my! usually when I have fake conversations with people, they say nice things.

sometimes, I might make them have a conflict with me if the daydream gets boring but erm, I always end up having the makeup session which makes me like them again towards the end. some of my daydreams with conversations in them have lasted hours! I could just sit for hours thinking this stuff up. it would make a great book I bet, if I could make my words as lovely as my thoughts.

-- Amber (, April 17, 2000.

hey, i thought i was the only one who had imaginary conversations with people. :) now i've taken to writing imaginary letters in my head. they're all really great pieces of literature... or at least, i imagine they would be if i ever bothered to write them down...

-- lindsay (, April 19, 2000.

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