rt/ct in France ?greenspun.com : LUSENET : GLASSER Choice Theory & Reality Therapy : One Thread |
GreetingsI have just had a visitor from Strasbourg University in France and I introduced her to the writings of Bill Glasser. While she was staying here she read some of his books now she would like to persue it more the queation is - are there any rt/ct people in France any contacts ?
Thanks Hilary.
-- Hilary Scanlan (hilscan@iol.ie), April 16, 2000
I am so happy to see that some people in France could be interested in understanding Dr Glasser's ideas. There are several books that have been translated in french and I would be very happy to give you the title, in Quebec we do most of our training in french. Don't hesitate to contact me. We did trained some people in France and they could, probably, help you too.
-- Francine Bilair (f.belair@videotron.ca), May 24, 2000.
Hilary,Given that this person visited you and you have a relationship, I'd say you are her first teacher! Is there anything stopping you from visiting France and teaching a workshop in Choice Theory?! You have been jet-setting all over recently anyway and France would be a wee trip for you. Has there been follow up with your visitor?
-- suzy hallock-bannigan (suzyatdonegal@aol.com), May 17, 2003.