Kinder goats? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Does anybody have any experience with Kinder goats? I was just reading something about them, and they sound like a useful little goat, but I'm wondering if the teats are sized for comfortable milking? (Same question applies to Nigerian Dwarfs, if anybody can answer?)

-- Kathleen Sanderson (, April 17, 2000


Yes, Yes, are the answers, but some are not. Sue Houston is a Kinder Person. I don't have her email addy. Contact Kathy at She will. On my best list of goats, the kinder is #2. Tell Sue I, (JR) said HI.

-- James R. Jones (, April 23, 2000.

JR, on your best list of goats, what is number one? (Just out of curiousity -- my favorite breed is Saanans, but they don't seem to be very common anywhere we've lived.)

-- Kathleen Sanderson (, April 23, 2000.

A small teat to one is a miniture teat to another. I would ask to visit the farm, milk a couple of does at milking time, and see for yourself, I also have seen some LaMancha bloodlines that I would pass on for their small teats also. Also even at major shows these animals nurse their kids, you would want to make sure that the animal is personable, a rodeo twice a day at chore time gets old really fast! The nigerian dwarfs are very dairy little does, we have a major show that shares our arena here in Texas, and they are very impressive (but we do snicker and say "Wouldn't want to have to milk them"! Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh (, April 24, 2000.

I have experience with Kinder goats -- that's what I have raised since 1986. They are an extremely useful little goat -- excellent producer for their size, and the teat size depends upon the direction the breeder has chosen. I have deliberately chosen my does for proper udder attachment, ease of milking, as well as good production. Since I prefer to milk by hand, I want nice teats so my hands don't suffer. Right now I am milking 8 does, and they are all (even my 2 first- fresheners) very easy to milk. Sue Huston (mentioned in an earlier response)has beautiful and very productive Kinders in Missouri. Her e- mail address is I have my herd near Snohomish, WA (NW part of the state). Have you seen the Kinder Goat web site at

-- Pat Showalter (, July 07, 2000.

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