The Mensa Rocket Scientist award goes to.... : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Gary Neville

Just saw this on Sporting Life:
Gary Neville has revealed that he has received death threats from Liverpool fans.

The Manchester United defender also claimed that his car had been attacked by Liverpool supporters after their recent match at Old Trafford.

Neville has been outspoken in his dislike for the Merseysiders and this has made him a target of abuse for Liverpool fans.

"I think I'm probably better off keeping my mouth shut about Liverpool from now on because I keep getting myself in trouble," he said.

-- Anonymous, April 18, 2000


I don't think it's physically possible for him to keep THAT mouth shut; with teeth like his! I bet he can't even swim - he'd make a damn good dredger nevertheless = wrong career! ;-)

-- Anonymous, April 18, 2000

perhaps he should put a head scarf on and have a silk cut stuffed into te side of his mouth....nobody beats up Dot Cotton....

-- Anonymous, April 18, 2000

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