UK: Learning the e-business lessons of Y2K : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread

Issue date: 20 April 2000

Article source: Daily News

UK: Learning the e-business lessons of Y2K

The Cabinet Office is calling on businesses to learn the lessons of the Y2K campaign when they launch e-commerce applications.

Margaret Beckett, leader of the House of Commons, who led the Governments Y2K drive said, the issue had made technology a key issue for the board.

As a result, she said, future IT investment was likely to be better planned and more focussed than in the past.

The work that was done, in both the private and public sectors, has had benefits that go far beyond simply beating the Bug.

Through Y2K we have a far better understanding of the critical national infrastructure. We need to ensure that this is captured and built upon for addressing other risk.

Beckett also said that the success in beating the Millennium bug would encourage higher standards and higher expectations of IT. The bottom line is that no one should believe anyone who says that it is impossible to meet an IT deadline, she said.

-- Carl Jenkins (, April 20, 2000

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