second truncation test : LUSENET : Quick FAQ : One Thread

Note: Old postings that have been deemed "not of general interest" are not presented above, but they are available to the full text search engine. If you want to see what you're missing, you can get a whole page of uninteresting postings. This forum is maintained by FAQ Editor ( The maintainer has a private page for deleting old threads, etc.. You can get a summary of the forum's age and content from the statistics page.

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You might find some of the other discussions running on this server interesting. If you're interested in how this software evolved and/or want to learn how to build similar systems yourself, then you should read Philip and Alex's Guide to Web Publishing.

another time: Note: Old postings that have been deemed "not of general interest" are not presented above, but they are available to the full text search engine. If you want to see what you're missing, you can get a whole page of uninteresting postings. This forum is maintained by FAQ Editor ( The maintainer has a private page for deleting old threads, etc.. You can get a summary of the forum's age and content from the statistics page.

If you want to follow this discussion by email, click here to add an alert.

You might find some of the other discussions running on this server interesting. If you're interested in how this software evolved and/or want to learn how to build similar systems yourself, then you should read Philip and Alex's Guide to Web Publishing.

-- Anonymous, April 21, 2000


Let's try a very long answer:

Note: Old postings that have been deemed "not of general interest" are not presented above, but they are available to the full text search engine. If you want to see what you're missing, you can get a whole page of uninteresting postings. This forum is maintained by FAQ Editor ( The maintainer has a private page for deleting old threads, etc.. You can get a summary of the forum's age and content from the statistics page.

If you want to follow this discussion by email, click here to add an alert.

You might find some of the other discussions running on this server interesting. If you're interested in how this software evolved and/or want to learn how to build similar systems yourself, then you should read Philip and Alex's Guide to Web Publishing.


Note: Old postings that have been deemed "not of general interest" are not presented above, but they are available to the full text search engine. If you want to see what you're missing, you can get a whole page of uninteresting postings. This forum is maintained by FAQ Editor ( The maintainer has a private page for deleting old threads, etc.. You can get a summary of the forum's age and content from the statistics page.

If you want to follow this discussion by email, click here to add an alert.

You might find some of the other discussions running on this server interesting. If you're interested in how this software evolved and/or want to learn how to build similar systems yourself, then you should read Philip and Alex's Guide to Web Publishing.


-- Anonymous, April 21, 2000

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