SUBTLE ENERGIES & ENERGY MEDICINE (Institute Of Noetic Sciences) : LUSENET : MetaConversations : One Thread


A clear connection between subtle energies and consciousness has yet to be fully developed. At this stage, there is increasing interest in the study of electromagnetic phenomena within and between biological systems. However, the field of BEM--bioelectromagnetics--overlaps the ill-defined and somewhat controversial area of experience called "subtle energies." Two routes may lead to better understanding of this area: Exploring the ways conscious intentionality may influence subtle energy processes; and exploring the impact of subtle energies and information processes on states of awareness. This topic includes a variety of ostensibly "energetic" exchanges within and between living organisms-from applications of electromagnetic radiation to assist bone growth, to biophoton emission (radiant light energy from living systems), and through attempts to account for the puzzling healing effects attributed to therapeutic touch, homeopathy, and non-conventional energies such as ch'i, kundalini, and prana. Applications of "subtle energies" or "subtle information exchanges" in healing processes appear to take science to the borders where consciousness and biological matter interact.


QUESTION: Have you ever had a subtle energy healing experience? Is this something that intriques you?

(Or do come up with additional questions, research links, thoughts, ideas, observations... will add my own over this next week).


-- Anonymous, April 24, 2000


See also thread...

Some discussion generators, from the Institute of Noetic Sciences... 00320L

-- Anonymous, April 24, 2000

Cannot get onto ariel tonight, cant read mail. hope you get this

-- Anonymous, May 25, 2000

Indeed, Imap servers having trouble---no mail till morning.

-- Anonymous, May 25, 2000

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