SIOUX CITY - Power Outage Hits Businesses, Homes--Equipment Failure : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread |
[Fair use for education and research purpose only]Title: Power Outage Hits Businesses, Homes
April 24, 2000
Businesses, homes and both Sioux City hospitals lost power in Sioux City Easter Sunday afternoon after an equipment failure at a substation located at 11th and Division streets.
The outage began at 12:58 p.m. Utility crews had power restored to all customers by 2:15 p.m., according to MidAmerican Energy spokesman Mark Reinders. Reinders said 3,901 customers lost electricity as a result of the equipment failure.
"The area affected was around the Floyd Boulevard area and included both hospitals," Reinders said. "St. Luke's Regional Medical Center was out for about 20 minutes and Mercy Medical Center was out for about 30 minutes."
Both hospitals have back-up power.
The blackout also took KMEG-TV off the air for about an hour and turned off the power at The Sioux City Journal.
"There were a number of residential customers without power. It was pretty widespread," Reinders said.
The cause of the equipment failure is under investigation.
-- (, April 24, 2000