SCSI card for HP PhotoSmart scanner using PCI : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread |
I have an original HP PhotoSmart scanner, which used an SCSI card in an ISA slot. I bought a new computer which has PCI slots only, and I have ordered a new SCSI card (Adaptec AVA 2909). I was able to get very little help from HP (I know--buy a new scanner!). Will I need a new cable as well? HP implied a driver would come with a new SCSI card and the original HP software would work just fine. Has anyone else dealt with this problem?
-- Stan Munger (, April 24, 2000
I wouldn't worry at all about using an adaptec card, I used one for the last year with my Photosmart 'till I sold it. I used the 2902 PCI which is the older version of the current "2906" . I'm not sure what the heck a 2909 is so I'll assume you meant 2906. You won't have a compatiblity problem as windows will find AND install the drivers without your intervention. In fact, I never installed Adaptec drivers so just pop in the card and go. The 2906 has a DB25 pin configuration coming off the card and the Photosmart uses a DB50 pin Micro connector. So you either need an adapter or a 25 pin male to DB50 micro SCSI cable. It should cost around $50 bucks (argh!!) and don't buy a garbage 10 foot cable, get a short high quality cable from or another reputable source. Cheap SCSI cables always stink and it's worth knowing it will work reliably buy purchasing a decent cable. Other than than, it doesn't suprise me HP said "We dunno!" , they could care less about Adaptec cards but you'll be fine with one. Hope that helps
-- Cris Daniels (, April 24, 2000.
Whether or not you need a new cable depends entirely on the connector on the new card. You can probably just get an adapter if it's different from the old cable.If you end up needing a SCSI adapter or cable you might try Dalco Electronics. I bought an adapter to go from DB25 to HPDB50 pin mini SCSI so I could use the pcmcia SCSI adaptor card for my laptop's external cd-rom with another SCSI device with a DB25 connector from them for around $10-12 last spring. Not a bad price, and it has worked flawlessly.
Try or better yet, get a catalog from their webpage or they can probably figure out what you need from your description, since they also do custom cabling. Their online is pretty good, but I think the catalog makes it a bit easier to see if you're getting the right adapter. What they really should do is show a mini diagram of the two connectors on the adapters or cables, depicting pins and sockets, but that's probably way too simple for the advertising/ marketing types. ;-) 'twould be nice, though. Especially when you need it yesterday and don't have time to do a lot of research. Any catalog assemblers/marketing types out there listening? :-) A picture is worth a thousand words, but a properly labeled diagram can be priceless!
-- Gerald M. Payne (, April 25, 2000.
And if you live in So Calif and call in the morning, PC Cables will usually get it to you the next day. You'll see them at all the computer shows. (805) 520-9686
-- Bill (, April 25, 2000.
I have installed a $20 Tekram DC-305E PCI SCSI adapter in my new ISA- less PC, and connected to the PhotoSmart with no trouble at all, using three non-HP software packages. (VueScan,yapscu, and PSscan32). I haven't tried the native HP software, and probably won't bother.The card had the proper 50 pin mini-SCSI connector.
Don Groff Hatfield, PA
-- Donald Groff (, December 28, 2000.