Limerick challenge : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

A lady all dressed up in red .........

(finish the limerick, guys!)

(We used to do this at Wizards of the Coast on our internal message boards. It can be a hoot if everyone adds a line to the limerick.)

-- Editrix (, April 28, 2000


3. She reached for some gin,

-- Editrix (, April 29, 2000.

Who was sure she'd go out of her head

-- Thewayiseeit. (, April 28, 2000.

If she continued to lay in her bed...

-- Shel (, April 28, 2000.

Which she knew was a sin!

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, April 29, 2000.

...But she didn't care, because tonight she would dare... (goal__)

-- Jas B (, April 30, 2000.

scream with an aching desire, for the woman standing right over there

-- digitlyspun (, May 03, 2000.

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