Kodak formats revisited

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I previously asked what format the images were on a Kodak CD and someone very kindly replied: PCD for Photo-CDs and JPG for Picture-CDs. I believe the neighborhood photo processing places return Picture-CDs but now I'm curious as to what circumstances Photo-CDs are produced. (With all of the information that is disseminated here I think it should get accredited with some institution of higher learning.)

-- bill (this_old_house@pobox.com), April 29, 2000


Perhaps I don't understand the question. If you ask for Kodak PhotoCDs, that is what you should get. As previously mentioned, the files are *.PCD. Other services are called by other names: Picture CD, or whatever.

-- Alan Gibson (Alan@snibgo.com), May 01, 2000.

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