Moving Exile to another server? : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

I've been girding my loins ... and I am going to move Exile to my own server, so we don't have those stooopid popup ads from Tripod anymore (damn them for putting them back up, without a way to get rid of them!).

Anyway ... I'm going to try to move everything today (April 30th), and set up "forwarding" pages that should whisk you over to the new site.

I'll send out email to everyone who's ever posted at the boards here. Please forgive me if you get two mailings: it simply means you posted here under multiple addresses at one time or another. :-)

Get the word out, please, that this is going to happen. It will take an entire day (or two), so hang on until everything is moved! The "old" Exile will remain intact until I have everything copied to the other server. No fear. Nothing will disappear.

New address will be:

-- Editrix (, April 30, 2000


Move is all done. I think. If you find any broken links, please send me a message either here or in email. Thanks!

Hope you like the new digs. I put up a "spring" page, and will change back to the regular one when you guys are tired of it.

(Yes, I know everyone in Australia is in fall, not spring, now. But my bulbs just came up. I gotta celebrate somehow!! It's a virtual spring, right? [grin])

-- Editrix (, April 30, 2000.

I love the new page and the new inages. I wasn't tired of the Spring flower picture yet but I really like the new modern DaVinci picture too! Thanks for putting us someplace where we don't get pop-up ads. You are the best!

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, May 08, 2000.

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