Can I really use 64MB Smartmedia Cards? : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread |
Based on the info I got from some people on this forum, I decided to buy an Olympus 2020Z and want to use a USB reader. I'd like to get a 64MB card, but I can't tell if the camera will support it. I emailed Olympus, but got no answer. (Indications of future levels of support?). Same with the Sandisk Imagemate reader - nowhere on their web site does it say what the maximum size that it can read is. Has anyone actually used a 64MB card in a 2020Z? and what kind of reader do you use?Also, do I need 3.3v or 5v cards? or does it make a difference?
-- (, May 04, 2000
Yes, the 64meg 3.3v will work in the C2020. I have a Sandisk that works fine. I use the FlashPath floppy adapter.
-- Tom C (, May 04, 2000.