Here's a picture for Flint fans.... It's Dr. Goodman. : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Okay everyone. Look very closely at this pic. Is it just me or does he have one blue eye and one green eye?

-- Anonymous, May 04, 2000


i think its just reflections off his eyes

-- Anonymous, May 05, 2000

hard to tell any eye color off that pic, w.m.

-- Anonymous, May 05, 2000

It does.

-- Anonymous, May 05, 2000

Yeah this picture is bad... But it wasn't as bad as any of the other pictures I saw.

-- Anonymous, May 05, 2000

The pic wouldn't show up on my comp :-(

-- Anonymous, January 15, 2001

0_0 I probably deleted it off my account a long time ago.... I'll probably have to find it again...

-- Anonymous, January 16, 2001

What picture? It's not there on my comp.

-- Anonymous, February 22, 2001

All i can say is, Ummmmmmmmm i don't see any pic at all!!!!

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2001

WHAT PICTURE???????????????????It's probobly just a reflection, but I can't see it,can I.[Maybe thats just because I don't have my glasses on.....]

-- Anonymous, May 03, 2001

UMMM. Right. I'd say some thin' if I could actually see a picture, but seeing as the only thing on my moniter is alittle xed box I really couldn't say.

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2001


-- Anonymous, May 25, 2001


-- Anonymous, May 31, 2001

what picture it's not even there?

-- Anonymous, July 07, 2001

Are you people that ignorant? It's obvious that the picture's file name has either been changed, the picture has been moved, or the picture has been flat out deleted. There will no longer be a picture there so stop saying anything like 'I can't see the picture'.

-- Anonymous, July 07, 2001


-- Anonymous, July 26, 2002

i realy dont see the picture...

-- Anonymous, May 28, 2003

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