World of Leder Hosen : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

What could possibly be distracting Gav from posting on the bbs?

-- Anonymous, May 05, 2000


Leave him alone, bless him!!!!


-- Anonymous, May 05, 2000

i think i might know but i cant let on at this stage ... its as funny as f**k though .

-- Anonymous, May 05, 2000

Go on then - spill the beans!!! Or do you NOT really know and you're just trying to act like you do to keep us all guessing???

-- Anonymous, May 05, 2000

hahahahaha nice try yelli , nah im just trying to keep yers all guessing , in fact paradoxically i almost sometimes think that you are Gav ... definitely the female version of ;- ) The truth of course is that gav has made a bet he could avoid the BBS until next Monday , and i can tell you now the poor bugger is suffering badly , but he's acting dead hard so as not to let on like . im trying to entice him .. mebys it needs the power of a woman , do your worst pet :- ))

-- Anonymous, May 05, 2000

I'll see what I can do!!! Who was the bet with by the way, and to what purpose??? I don't know whether to be flattered or offended that you think I am 'Gav in woman form' - but believe me I am much better than him!!! For example: I don't hide away when the going gets a bit tough!!!! Unlike some we could mention!!!


-- Anonymous, May 05, 2000

You've got to hand it to him, he's bitten his lip with some style. I might make myself scarce next week when it's time to pay the piper :-)

-- Anonymous, May 05, 2000

Sting, BTW - no news on the holiday yet!!! Still waiting!!!

-- Anonymous, May 05, 2000

We haven't seen that picture of you as a red indian yet either...oh Lordy, I can hear the 'Battle of the Little Big Horn' jokes already...

-- Anonymous, May 05, 2000


I'll send it to you, as long as you promise not to post it on here!!! I need the promise first mate!!!

-- Anonymous, May 05, 2000

You don't suppose he joined the Swiss navy do you?

-- Anonymous, May 05, 2000

You have my solemn promise that I will not publish a picture of you dressed as a red indian on this bbs. [I might while dressed as a cowboy, mind]. No, seriously, I promise that I won't and also that I won't forward it to less scrupulous people currently cleaning sh*t out of cuckoo clocks on the shores of lake Geneva. Go on! Let us see.

-- Anonymous, May 05, 2000

On it's way!!! A promise is a promise!!! (;o)

-- Anonymous, May 05, 2000

Out on the mash up in 5 mins , have a tops weekend everyone , and all those gannin to the match have a great time and sing you hearts out for the lads . Its been fun , ciaoooo Grant x .

-- Anonymous, May 05, 2000

Have a great one yourself sweetie - take care. xxx

-- Anonymous, May 05, 2000

Ha! So Gav did bottle it when it came to trying to top the postings table! And to think he could so easily have taken over top spot already. Shame, really. Well, Galaxy, with another match thread tomorrow, he'll fall further behind by Monday. ;-)

Maybe we should start up that girlie thread again. See if Gav can resist our gushing about certain footie players. Ya know I had this dream about OGS the other night..... ;-))))

-- Anonymous, May 05, 2000

Hey Pet. That was nee bliddy dream. It was a nightmare. I can't possibly believe otherwise. You'll be ex-communicata'd if you admit to having fantasies aboot Scumbags.

-- Anonymous, May 05, 2000

Sorry Ciara - just got back from shopping! Guess it`s too late to try the girlie thread to coax Gav back. Well after 7 pm now, so I guess he`ll be out on the lash by now! (:o) Very curious about him being so quiet though.

-- Anonymous, May 05, 2000

nahhh's never too late to try to entice Gav out of his exile. You never know, it might be cold, rainy, and lonely in Heidiland this weekend, so he could find himself drawn to a computer and his bbs friends. Monday is still a long way off....

Screacher...didn't mean to offend you...I just know how much enjoys it when someone mentions that she might consider certain Heath players to be a tiny bit attractive. ;-)

Perhaps I should start talking about my favorite Bradford players again.....

Or those cute American MLS players....


-- Anonymous, May 05, 2000

Well, I scoured Lahndaan toon for Gav today and I am sure he hasn't sneaked back. I thought I saw him on the undieground but I was mistaken. To tell you how thoroughly I searched, I even found Dougal in a bar at Euston Station. Small world, eh?

As for Gav. I wouldn't worry lasses. He's disappeared for far longer than this in the past (we were countingthe months) but all of a sudden, he re-appeared, Dingle in hand. So - divvent fret lasses. The owd b*gg*r won't be far away. Get yer postings up (ooh er missus) while he's away. He'll be back - same old Gav with a bigger grin than ever. Words like smelling and roses (tho' not necessarily in the same sentence) come to mind.

-- Anonymous, May 05, 2000

I hope it was a salad bar in Euston station!

-- Anonymous, May 05, 2000

No - it was a wooden bar (and it hurt when I bumped into it). She was very good - drinking only flavoured water while I had a pint of Boddies.

-- Anonymous, May 06, 2000

Hello....this is a lovely little people wanna play do they? ;))

Right as a starter for ten......I've got a couple more pics to give away for anyone brave enough to ask!! one of them is a recent pic of Grants lass on the beach on their recent holiday....not much in the way of clothes on though so be careful what you ask for (Grant sent it me himself...what kind of scumbag is he!!)...

Anyway...ask quickly cos I'm only on briefly now and won't be back until tues....

I have however already given one copy to Softie and I'm certain that if you ask him nicely he'll oblige in my absence ;))

-- Anonymous, May 06, 2000

Castrati eh.....wishful thinking maybe.....more women to go around an all that?...


Anyone notice how Yelli (or should we call her Little Plum) keeps asking Sting about his holiday in a pathetic attempt to throw us off the trail after we'd already sussed that her newly found tan was gained whilst on hoiday with the afore mentioned Police Lead Singer!!Personally I think the name Little Plums is more appropriate for Sting....

-- Anonymous, May 06, 2000


If you consider sending that Indian Pic on to me then I'll consider reducing your sentence.....

Anyway, you've had plenty of pics off me lately ;))

-- Anonymous, May 06, 2000

Gav honey, you are the one person I don't want to see that pic - and I have given Softie full instructions not to show you it!!!

Love Yelli xxxxx


-- Anonymous, May 06, 2000

Hangoverover? I could post for you this pm if you want your ratings up. Nah - take all the fun oot of it.

-- Anonymous, May 06, 2000


Why can't I have it?

Hmmm that kinda implies that your more worried about potential embarrassment from me than anyone else...personally I don't blame you for fancying's quite natural....

Don't give yourself a hard time about it!!

-- Anonymous, May 06, 2000

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