Digital/Photo Printer : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I can't find any article/comparison of Digital/Photo Printer. As you know, printers are very important for photo output. Do you have any suggestion?

Thanks, Alfred Cheng.

-- Alfred Cheng (, May 08, 2000


Dye sublimation printers give true photographic quality. Unfortunately the affordable ones only give postcard size prints. They're prohibitively expensive in larger sizes, and the running costs are high as well.

The Epson inkjet photoprinters 870 and 1270 are still the ones to beat as far as consumer priced printers are concerned. All the head to head reviews I've seen put them ahead of the competition. I thought that my older Epson inkjet was quite good, until I saw samples from the new 870. It's upgrade time again!

-- Pete Andrews (, May 08, 2000.

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