Hen House automatic (photovoltaic) electric operated door

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Some time ago, I read in Countryside (or other magazine) about how to build an automatic door to let your hens in and out of the henhouse. It closes automatically at dark and opens automatically at dawn. I believe that it operates off of an photovoltaic switch, and is electrically operated with a small motor. Does anyone remember this article, or can you tell me how to build such a gadget?

Coyotes are a big problem here in Colorado. This door will solve this problem for me.

-- Michael Miller (victory@fone.net), May 08, 2000


Michael, try the January 98 issue on page 44. I think this is the article your referring to. Good luck.

-- Betsy (betsyk@pathwaynet.com), May 08, 2000.

Michel, if you get this information, could you please let me somehow get it from you. I have to go out every night and shut the door to my hen house and they can't get out in the morning until I go out there and open the door. Thanks . Eagle

-- eagle (eagle@alpha1.net), May 13, 2000.

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