Sometimes I hate this country : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Can you believe that tyou have to pay (on average) 5 months rent before you move into a new place over here? That's one month's rent, 2 months deposit, one month's key money (whtever the bloody hell that is) and one month to the agent for finding you the property. Christ can you imagine paying almost 5,000 pounds just to move into a place to rent!

That's what I've got to do, because I've finally convinced my girlfriend to move in with me, which means a move to a house (By Japanese standards it's a palace), it's 3 times bigger than my current flat/shoe box. Having said that it looks like I'll not be coming back to the UK again this year, it's 2 years since my last visit, and it could be that I don't get away at all this year. But shogunai as they say over here.

By the way how much does it cost to move to a place in the Uk? I've never done it except as a student.

Why am I telling you this? I have no idea but I'd be quite interested in waht pi**es the other expats off!

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2000


Switzerland it's 1mths deposit, 1mth up front and approx 1mth as a finders fee for the agents (even though they do bugger all apart from provide an advert!!)....all contracts are between the tenant and the landlord unlike the UK so the agents do even less for their money :(

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2000


I am in the same position as you but mving in with my Girlfriend in Northampton, England. To rent I will have to transfer my existing damage deposit from where i live now and pay an extra #45 admin fee to the estate agent then pay a month's rent for the new property. Thats's it. My girlfriend will have to pay roughly the same, probably with a bit of help from me (arrgh I can see her draining my account already!). On the whole it will probably cost me about #60 as a one off payment compared to where I rent at the minute.

A bit cheaper for us but you have other advantages like living in another country.

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2000

I know there are advantages but it doesn't half get you down.

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2000

I got cut off mid type!

Japan is a lovely country and I recommend it to everyone (even those who are scared of creepy crawlies ie Grant). I'm very settled here and can't imagine moving back to the UK in the forseeable future, don't tell me mum!
I think it's easy to find faults with a country when it's not your home.

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2000

It's Gav (me) that's scared of the creepy crawlies....Grant's not scared of them as you can see by the pic of the creepy crawlies between his lasses legs on those hol pics that I sent out...

The one's the good ole Rik mistakenly took for my holiday snaps...

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2000

God I've done it again, I'm going to start ww3 between the both of you/ I appologise! If they were your holiday pics Gav, can you email me the girls phone numbers??

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2000

Grant will get jealous of you asking for his lasses number!!

They were definitely Grant's holiday pics...rumours that they were mine were concoted by our local daily rag correspondant (Prik)...

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2000

I take it his name's pronounced with a silent 'P', have tyouy seen his match day comments.....

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2000

Nope not seen his matchday comments....should I bother looking?

Are they amusing or just his usual inferiority complex type digs at me?

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2000

One months rent that was it. But even three years in my own house I am still paying less mortage then I ever did rent

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2000


But you're tied to a mortgage....personally I'd only ever buy a house for the purpose of renting it out as an investment...I've got no interest in being tied to a pile of bricks....

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2000

De Builder >>A bit cheaper for us but you have other advantages like living in another country.<<
I'd go further and say the advantage is not living in Northampton (spent 4 years at uni college there and wouldn't go back - no not even for my mates wedding, nosurree - in the words of Morrissey too many bad memories).

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2000

Oh, their a nightmare. In one game there was no webcast and he wasmaking the scores up as he went along. i think we took a contract out on him....

Couldn't buty a house over here, first of all I'm not Japanese and this is a very racist country and secondly, I don't think you can take out earthquake insurance, which would be essential. It would be like having no insurance in Belfast a few years back.

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2000

I should really read what I've written before I post when I've been drinking

What I meant is

he's a nightmare

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2000


When did you attend college at N'pton? I liked the stroke out of Uni, they are still pretending even now. I started in 1993 and left in 1997 but it is the land of opportunity now!!

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2000


Paying rent to me is just dead money. Buy the time I am fifty I will own the house out right and then I can sell it if I choose to and pocket the cash.

I get a great sense of achievement and belonging as I modify my house, I didnt give to hoots about the house I was renting as it wasnt mine to play with.

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2000

92 - 96 (actually 97 if you count failing your finals and having to retake them a year later)a BABS student as they loved to call us - Business Studies not Carry On films.
Land of opportunity? Not in Lumbertubbs it wasn't :o)

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2000

Had about there kegsy .. firstly im not scared of creepy crawlies , if you'd seen some of the sh*tholes i slept in Thailand you'd concur with that : - ) Secondly if wor lass ever comes on here and sees them pictures of her shell gan potty : - )) Shell gan potty at the bugger who posted them , she's got a canny right hand as well mind . Personally i think poor gavin got goaded a bit last week and has forgotten how to behave , and consequentely Trik had some fun .. which i may add has got his goat up a little bit reading between the lines .... is there anyway you can contruct a virtual punchup on here ? : - ) as for the renting business kegsy , i suppose its like all of Asia , grossly over priced and almost im possible to afford unless youy're on an expat package with your firm . personally speaking i think renting anywhere is a potty idea as like Jay says you ;pay less mortgage than pay rent but thats a whole new ball game . Where abouts are you kegsy ?

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2000


I have to say if you lived in the Lumbertubs then I can see why you don't like the place. Lumbertubs is on the Kettering Road which is the road I live on, only I am closer to town. Did you ever go to Quaser Laser, well I live about 50 yards further into town.

Quaser Laser is now a pub called the Picturedrome, one of the most popular bars in town. Top comedy acts appear there, Mondays, you can see fairly recent films on a giant screen whilst having a few pints.

Housing Boom, Cobblers got promotion, Saints in two Cup Finals, pub explosion. Place to be, slightly coloured glasses I know but hey!

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2000

I spent the final year in the Four Season's Hotel between the Quazar place and the White Elephant (or KPT depending on the time you were there). My mate still lives up that way - Talbot Road/Artizan Road.
Highlight of living in the old hotel must have been the bar in the front room (unstocked except for parties), and having a room on the third floor at the front watching the first year women streak across the Racecourse (not to mention 3 dealers in the basement)

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2000


I know the four seasons and have had a few drunken parties in there. I used to know about four people who lived there, two named Dan (both fat, one ginger!), an Alex and a short fat greek fella called Andreas.

They were on the same course as me and were useful to know to get to these parties.

I live just along the road from the Four Seasons now and run round the Racecourse. They have changed the Pavilion Restaraunt to a chinese one now. I always knew the White Elephant as that and spent many a Friday afternoon/evening in there during my 2nd year(94-95) before venturing down to Club Banana.

The town has changed so much in the last 6/7 years but sadly still lacks a top class night club.

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2000

I didn't know the Greek, the two Dan's were on their placement years when I was there and Alex was forever failing his 1st year.
Ginger Dan went out with my girlfriends best mate for a while and couldn't skin up for toffee. Half way through my final year he kicked the shit out of the other Dan.
>>but sadly still lacks a top class night club<< Panache finally closed down then?
As I said I'm due up for a Wedding in the next couple of months (well my girlfriend is, I'm just called "+guest" on the invite), so I may have to have a drink in the White Elephant, or go on the Wellingborough Road Run (which to me was about 10 pubs too short - or did I get lost).
Almost beats one of ITK's Heaton threads - almost mind as it's got nowt to do with Heaton (and Ken).

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2000

In Abaco it would be a promise to be to feed the guaranteed potcake dog they left behind I ended up with four and brought one back to the UK We cried our bloody eyes out when we had to leave the others Rest assured they had a home He supported Liverpool

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2000


Have a pint in the Picturedrome, just down from the Four Seasons. It then gives you the option of heading up the Wellie Road or into Town. Panache changes to the Vault and I think it is now called the Lounge. Stirlings has changed to Legends and is okay but nothing major. Pubs have increased in numbers.

Tell me more about Ginger Dan kicking shit out of the other Dan. I still see the Ginger Dan sometimes and this is major scandal! The Other Dan was always a bit of a girl. In our second year we went ona booze cruis to France and all he came back with was a couple of boxes of wine and a few french loaves. The rest of us sacrificed our seats to get more beer on board!

Have a good time anyway!

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2000

hahaha I've had many a good night in No Cash (Panache!!)....

I used to have a friend who lived just off the Wellinborough Road so we'd go up and visit from Watford once a fortnight...not a bad place to go out in....

I still go up there regularly cos my ex wife and kids are living in Far Cotton....

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2000

DB - I'll send you a mail with the details of the fight (I doubt people of here are that bothered about a fight over a woman).

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2000

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