REMINDER - Your last chance to vote : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Just as a final final reminder. Today is the last day you can vote in the Daily Toon Player of the Year poll.

The E Mails close at Midnight tonight (Thursday 11/5/00) so get your votes in as soon as possible. The more people that vote, the more accurate it is to public feeling as to who the best player is.

We are also compiling the team of the year, so in essence we are asking you to vote for five people, although in reality this is likely only to be four as most peoples overall favourite is usually one of the positional favourites.

You can either vote through the official form at the bottom of the home page on or if you have a problem with the form (it is not supported by everyones browser) you can just send a straight forward E Mail to

Whichever format you use, vote for: Overall Favourite Favourite Keeper Favourite Defender Favourite Midfielder Favourite Forward.

As it stands at the moment, there is a fairly close two horse race between a forward and a defender, I will leave it to you to work out which is which.

Full result on the website tomorrow  keep a watch out for it.

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2000


I've just voted hinney. Actually I'll have to count up the votes for the player of the year awards on my site. VOTE HERE. I started it at the begining of the season so people could vote during the year. It'll be interesting to see if the players that we voted for then are as popular as they are now.

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2000

I've just voted hinney. Actually I'll have to count up the votes for the player of the year awards on my site. VOTE HERE. I started it at the begining of the season so people could vote during the year. It'll be interesting to see if the players that we voted for then are as popular as they are now.

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2000

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