ASF to MPG conversion with Better Quality : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Recently I have been playing with ASF recording and I've found a way to record live with equal quality from the input sources, VHS, DVD, and Digital Satellite. The file size per 1 minute is half of that from VCD bitrate (~5.2Mb/min), and the quality is amazing(equivalent to XVCD at 3000kb/s). This is quite perfect for archiving; However, the conversion to mpg using VirtualDub1.3 with DVMpeg5.0 plugin reduced the quality greatly (I don't like the quality of mpeg from Darim's product). Is there anything out there that will do this job better then DVMpeg5.0? Now someday a stand alone player will come out to play this ASF file format, this will be great. Any inputs is much appreciated. Thanks.

-- lnguyen (, May 13, 2000


Ok...figure out a way to make the mpeg vcd with equal quality as the ASF without using DVMpeg plugin. DVMpeg encoder produced bad quality mpeg altogether. However, the encoding time through VirtualDub1.3c took 6 minutes for 1 minute of video, and then panasonic took an additional 4 minutes per 1 minute of video! 1:10 all together. DVMpeg do it approximately 2 to 1, but bad quality. Man this is not an easy task. Furthermore, VirtualDub revised version 1.3d is no longer supporting ASF format, since Microsoft is swinging its big bat at Mr. Avery Lee to take it out of this software.

-- lnguyen (, May 14, 2000.


-- werwerw (, February 24, 2002.

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