How do I remove VCD subtitle : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hi: How can I remove subtitle from VCD dat files? If that is possible, which program should I use?

-- Mike Yang (, May 13, 2000


i dont think it is possible. Most of the subtitles are made onto the film itself. Also i have never seen a vcd that had a choice to show subtitles or not. dvds can do this and their you cna change things, but not on vcd

-- Doug (, May 14, 2000.

No can do. The subtitles are in the same MPEG stream as the movie itself, and cannot be removed.

-- Josh (, May 14, 2000.

Well i have takenaway the subtitle from my vcd player the 1 that plugs into the psx to takeway subtitle dont plug your controler in the port this works on my vcdplayer the brand is (GAMARS)

-- shaun homes (, December 10, 2000.

Cover bottom part of tv screen with duck tape or cardboard?
No, just kidding
try copy just dat file to hard drive and play. see if it is ON main movie file?

-- Lu (, December 10, 2000.

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