Happy Mother's Day

greenspun.com : LUSENET : The Christian Church : One Thread

I want to say happy mother's day to all good mothers reading this forum. I want to mention a few that I happen to know that have written occasionaly in this forum and one that mostly reads it but has responded a few times.

Happy Mother's day Cynthia O'Brien! I love you in Christ and I know that you and your family are in Chist Jesus because you are a faithful mother that loves the truth and brought it to your family as soon as you learned it and lead them all to Christ! May our Lord abundantly bless you this day and in all eternity for your faith.

Happy Mother's day D. Lee Muse! You suprized me when I fist read your post in the forum for I thought that you were a man and responded accordingly until you gently corrected my rude assumption! Ha! You are without doubt a very sppecial mother. Your greatest characteristic is that you LOVE THE TRUTH! I am still praying for your family but I know that God has greatly blessed them already because he gave you to them. Your faith in Christ distinguishes you as a GREAT mother. We all have benefited from your faithful adherence to the word of God in this forum and I can only imagine how much your family has to be thankful for this day. May our Lord be with you in a special way this day and forevermore.

Happy Mother's day Connie! I know that you should be numbered among the great mother's who have written in this forum. Though I am sure that you will be honored sufficently by your family today I want to be one of the first to honor you in this forum for being a mother that cares about spiritual things! I pray that our Lord will bless you as he has blessed your family through you. You have four sons and two of them hunt! Two out of four ain't bad! Ha!

May God bless the mother's of the world this day,

E. Lee Saffold

-- Anonymous, May 14, 2000


E. Lee,

Thank you for such kind words, I am overwhelmed by them. I don't get overly emotional very often...but I guess since it is Mother's Day...It is ok. I do love the truth and you know one of my biggest fears in this area. I thank you for the reminders you often give me about seeking and knowing that truth!

-- Anonymous, May 14, 2000

E. Lee:

I am sincerely very touched by your kind words.

I cannot help but think of Proverbs 31 whenever Mother's Day rolls around.

I especially appreciate verses 28-31:

28: Her children arise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.

29: many daughters have done virtuously [worthily], but thou exceedeth them all.

30: Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain; but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised.

31: Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works prise her in the gates.

I have such wonderful and beautiful children and grandchildren (and a wonderful husband and daughters-in-law), that I can truly say that God has abundantly blessed me.

May all of you mothers and all who have mothers be rejoicing today.

In Our Savior,

-- Anonymous, May 14, 2000

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