England Metro fault chaosgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread |
Monday 15 May 2000 Metro fault chaos RUSH hour commuters faced chaos today when a power failure brought the Metro system to a standstill.Thousands of passengers were left stranded when trains stopped running between Newcastle city centre and South Shields.
A bus replacement service was set up to ferry passengers after the fault was discovered at dawn.
A spokeswoman for Nexus was unable to say when power would return but addeed: "It will have had a knock on effect to the rest of the system.
"Trains are not running to timetable. We are doing everything we can to get it up and running."
-- Martin Thompson (mthom1927@aol.com), May 16, 2000
This one is a real bigie.
-- Uncle Fred (dogboy45@bigfoot.com), May 16, 2000.