Keep on pimpin' : LUSENET : Squishy : One Thread

After four months, the Pimp Your Site thread still has new additions. Anyone who wasn't around in January, please pimp your site -- I love reading writing by Squishy readers.

-- Anonymous, May 20, 2000


I love my website at

I started this thing called Squeaky Clean because everyone assumes I am a Squeaky clean kid

check out my weblog and journal, and if you like it enough, join my notify list

-- Anonymous, May 20, 2000

I don't even have a notify list(lazy girl, lazy girl), but I'll start one if I get pestered enough.

-- Anonymous, May 20, 2000

I have a notify list on this server where the forum we are all in now is. PLEASE post in it. PLEASE!

-- Anonymous, May 20, 2000

Redo From Start. Because that's what I'm doing.

-- Anonymous, May 20, 2000

Always up for a pimp. Suzyramble~The Mutterings of A Fool

-- Anonymous, May 21, 2000

I was here at the last pimpfest but must do so again (especially since there's been changes):

The Pillow Book of James George White Russellthe life, times, and crimes of a man with four names.

Tonight We Sleep In Separate Ditchesmy journal site, which lasted a mere two and a half months before lack of time and inclination got the better of me. But I'm keeping it online anyway.

ScreenFilea film review website a friend and I are working on. At present we only have the first page up as a test page, but we do hope to have the whole thing operational by early June.

And there's another site I'm working on which is also not online yet but will hopefully be soon. More details as they come.

-- Anonymous, May 21, 2000

Mea culpa and 10,017 other apologies. Here's where I reside: Ok, so the whole thing needs work. You should see the nonsense that's not online yet!

-- Anonymous, May 21, 2000

I'm in the Building Stage at I'll have a few more things up within a matter of days....

-- Anonymous, May 21, 2000

No Extra Day.

It's the story of making an independent film with virtually no money, lots of obstacles, and more than a few goofy-looking crewmembers (myself included). Lots of behind-the-scenes pictures, lots of updates on the film progress page, and now a forum much like this one. Go there. You'll like it. I promise.

(If you don't like it, you can beat me up.)

-- Anonymous, May 21, 2000

Thanks all for the good reads. Good thing I have a lot of time on my hands these days.

Oh, and can you believe I forgot to pimp MY sites? no longer links to my other sites, as that's the site I'll be using for business purposes. It has some of my essays and articles as well as my not quite up to date resume.

There's also Some Crazy Dame which I still haven't built into a portal for real women, though I did get my first submission a few months back.

I'mErica Online is still a mess because I still haven't changed the img and link tags from my old university site. Still, I keep it up, because it was my first attempt at a web site, back in the day it was just one really, really, really long page. I'd like to do an AOL parody with the design someday, keeping the same content. Some guy wanted to get the domain from me a few months ago, I still can't figure out why.

John Easdale is my favorite singer (formerly of Dramarama, who did the song "Anything, Anything (I'll Give You)") and a good friend. This site is still in development, but should launch in mid-June.

Pimpin' ain't easy.

-- Anonymous, May 21, 2000

Erica, I love that song 'I'll Give You'! When it comes on I crank it up and sing like a maniac. One of the best songs ever, and you may want to let him know that the alternative rock station in Atlanta, 99X, has a weekday guy that covers the lunch hour with retro stuff, and he plays that song often, pimping it as his favorite song of all time!

I never pimped my journal last time because it's on Diaryland, and that's just sad. But for someone like me who knows less than zero html and all that other stuff, it works. If anyone cares, I'm at

Please be aware that there is no spell checker at Diaryland (I would complain, but since it's free, I'd better not) and I am usually rushing during my lunch hour to update.

-- Anonymous, May 22, 2000

ah go on, then - it's over here (yup, diaryland!). It's not all bad, though...

-- Anonymous, May 22, 2000

There's no shame in Diaryland. It's a useful place if you're going to keep a journal, and it gives you a nice, short url. You also have the option, at least, of giving it the design you want by customizing the html, if you're into that sort of thing. Which I am.

Anyway. I've got two sites:

profound turquoise logic, my personal site which includes a journal, extensive links page, some writing, etc. I need to add more writing, which I plan to do this summer.

Applesauce Obsession, a site my best friend and I have been playing with and redesigning for a little over three years. Includes a quote page with three years' worth of randomly funny things we and people we know have said, pictures, memories of the old sites, and a couple of game-type things.

-- Anonymous, May 22, 2000

what a great idea! thanks for the plug squishy!

-- Anonymous, May 22, 2000

Don't forget to read the Bad Dates section!

-- Anonymous, May 22, 2000

I refuse to pimp my site. How crass. How desperate do you think I AM??? That's beneath me. I write for the sheer joy of writing, and if anyone wanders there, they are welcome to, but I am an artiste and such shallow grubbing for hits is truly pitiful, don't you think?---Al of the three-time Diarist.Net Award-winning (once for a guest entry in Pamie's site) NOVA NOTES. *Grin*

-- Anonymous, May 22, 2000

Did anyone actually go to mine? The Wall

-- Anonymous, May 22, 2000

For a journal that's not in the US or UK or Australia, I'm at the midday sun, thank you. And since I'm pimping, comments I've heard include better than tv! damn fine website! and stop teasing me!!!

26 y/o female + stories + men, love, life. I guess that about sums it up. Thanks and c'ya- Stella

-- Anonymous, May 23, 2000

My haiku corner.

my online journal. window to my soul or slave to the hit counter?

lives online are like cherry blossoms. not really. but it sounded sweet.

anything goes when it comes to hos cuz pimpin' ain't easy beeyotch.

Visit The Dojo of Love. It's not all haiku. I promise.

-- Anonymous, May 23, 2000 was supposed to look like this: my online journal.
window to my soul or slave
to the hit counter?
lives online are like
cherry blossoms. not really.
but it sounded sweet.
anything goes when
it comes to hos cuz pimpin'
ain't easy beeyotch.
(off to commit ritual hari-kari for the earlier faux pas) The Dojo of Love

-- Anonymous, May 23, 2000


forgetting "p" tags
can make you look real stupid
real quick. damn i suck.

-- Anonymous, May 23, 2000

The Hub, loads and loads of reviews for Trekkies (all series), with plot summaries, strange new worlds, new life forms and civilizations, dialogue triumphs, technobabble and personal notes.

Still working on a way to turn my written journal into something I could put online, but I'm not so sure about that one yet.

-- Anonymous, May 23, 2000

Mine's not really anything special. Aren't we all humble here? Anyway: friendly.

-- Anonymous, May 23, 2000

you can find me here now that i've kind of decided to start updating again. it's called standing on a beach and it's more fun than a bucket of hot cheese... or something.

-- Anonymous, May 23, 2000

well. my html science doesn't seem to be so tight today.

try that on for size.

-- Anonymous, May 23, 2000

i am all about the pimpin
My Own Fierce Self
i try to update at least every other day. you get to read about my students, my men and my memories. oooh, fun huh!

-- Anonymous, May 23, 2000

Damn you, Stijn! I took a look at your site, and I think I'm going to be spending a few hours. There goes my evening!

I can't believe you didn't like "Time's Arrow". *wink*

-- Anonymous, May 23, 2000

aah I could use some publicity soo here we go.

-I have a weblog which I update everyday unless time persists that which it hasn't yet
-my feng shui satire which I'm still adding onto. I do have the bedroom done
-my anime art section which I shall add onto when I sketch more
-my personal site which has my bio, journal, music, writing, dreams, etc there

plus, of course, I have one of these forums which isn't as packed as this one is. I do add questions at times...hah. so please go..make me proud. haha.

-- Anonymous, May 24, 2000

I just built a postcard app where you can use your own pictures.

Go break it.


-- Anonymous, May 24, 2000

I probably shouldn't be pimping my site here because I'm lucky to have so many readers, but I think that many of them are from other circles, so here goes anyway:

I have a brand new weblog site up at which I update almost daily, and links to my somewhat older (est. 2000) website and journal Vain Travails are available from there.


planning to check out all the above websites, heh heh

-- Anonymous, May 24, 2000

Oh, how I love to pimp my site... Smoke and Mirrors

-- Anonymous, May 24, 2000

Mmmm.. the sweet smell of site-pimping. I'll happily join in:


In it, I consistently spell correctly and use complete sentences. The content is more, well, mercurial.

-- Anonymous, May 24, 2000

I'm breaking the rules and pimping someone else's site. It's probably one a lot of you already read (or should be), but it's so good that I feel it's worth pimping to death:

The Jon-Jon Diaries: You must read it. Now.

-- Anonymous, May 24, 2000

I feel kind of silly doing this.

It's called Letters to Sparky. It started out as a way to keep in touch with my best friend while we went to separate colleges. We no longer speak to each other. Ugh.

Read the older stuff first. I've had a few sucky months lately. :)

-- Anonymous, May 24, 2000

hm, i thought i posted but it disappeared... (maybe pamie's trying to tell me something). at any rate, it's been bits and pieces for quite awhile but i recently started taking it more seriously and would really, really, love some feedback. even if you think it stinks. (i'm no jon-jon, mind you...)

-- Anonymous, May 24, 2000

anybody know of any good pennsylvania journals?

aside from mine, of course <>

involuntary shudder

-- Anonymous, May 24, 2000

My journal is still kind of newish (less than two months old) ... but I'll pimp it anyway! Confessions of a 20 Something Goddess =)

-- Anonymous, May 24, 2000

Normally I wouldn't do this, but I'm so thrilled that my mojo is back (kidding) that I'm gonna do it anyway. is my personal site, no original writing other than my daily notes and no content other than what you can find here. But, when I originally created the site, I called it "Lunch Break", because every day on my lunch break I put a up a new page, with a new look, new links, and new writing. Then, last summer I built an actual site, got a few visitors, got designer's block, and haven't really touched it since.

But today on my lunch break, I put a new page up. And it just felt so good I had to share it. ;)

-- Anonymous, May 24, 2000

i'm just a new-comer to the, please be gentle ;)

my diary/journal of sorts.

-- Anonymous, May 24, 2000

I was here last time, as well, but I've changed domains since... so:

Take to the Sky.

Of course, i'm in the middle of a move right now, so updates are sporadic at best.

-- Anonymous, May 25, 2000

That PIMP! That Pimp-pa-pimp pimp pimp!
Haven't updated too recently, but check out my Blog for more recent updates (been homeless).

-- Anonymous, May 25, 2000

This pimping thing isn't an easy thing to do at all!
But I tried already in the past, and I can do it again:
All of you should run to ana*log!
Young journal, not always updated, sometimes in Fench, boring as hell and full of typos... You'll love it, I swear!

See you soon in the logs ;-)

-- Anonymous, May 25, 2000

...and did you get what you wanted?
Yeah, pimpin'... I started this thing in March, figuring nobody would read it... now it's linked all over town, my hits keep climbing, and I find that REALLY freaky... guess I asked for it...

-- Anonymous, May 25, 2000

oom chicka mow mow...

it's Kismet

Damn, where'd I leave my shades?

-- Anonymous, May 25, 2000

ooohhhhhhh... pimping.

buddhafish - includes a weblog and a journal that is sometimes rather amusing.

-- Anonymous, May 25, 2000

amandae of involuntary shudder: a couple PA sites

corina hasn't updated in forever but you never know

Elizabeth was in Carlisle, and she's not updating right now, but read the archives

-- Anonymous, May 25, 2000

wonderland 2 - Serving hot delicious monkey butter since 1998.

-- Anonymous, May 25, 2000

HuaHuaville Its new, cool, and slightly unbalanced Okay, it might not be cool, but it is new, and unbalanced....

-- Anonymous, May 25, 2000

this site hasn't been updated for a bit but that is in the works as we speak:

come see us at

old man murray's site described us like a visit to grandma's...hahaha

-- Anonymous, May 25, 2000

Okay, this isn't a journal site, but there's a lot of my dearest friend in the world's work in there. She's an artist that has a free graphics site (specifically, free graphics if you don't use it for commercial purposes). Anyway, it's at She's been promising to put up a rants and opinions page, so maybe some of you can look at her stuff, sign her guestbook, and say nice things (only true stuff, though, she'd hate perjured opinions.) Thanks!

-- Anonymous, May 25, 2000

Ooh, shameless site hyping! Now this is my kind of topic!

Jernal is the sort-of spin-off site of my first site, The Ventatarium, which is now on it's very last legs, just because it's easier to write lots of short things than it is to write a long one. And that last sentence wasn't as coherant as I usually am, because I just spent five hours finishing my stupid History project.

Of course, things always happen to me, and I don't get to write as many entries as I'd like to (damned school), but I write whenever I'm able to. Sometimes. Sort of. Look, just go to my stupid site, okay?

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2000

Oh, the shameless self-promotion.

My site is called WordRidden, and it's chock full of words of all shapes and sizes. There's a fairly-regularly-updated journal (which hasn't been updated regularly at all in the past month because I've been traveling around quite a bit), and a bunch of essays on whatever captures my fancy or inspires my wrath. And to round it all out, there is a forum where you, the reader, can leave your comments.

Pimping is hard. I feel so cheap.

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2000

Pimping my site is fun! Actually, I just redid my front page, so feel free to surf in and let me know how you like (or don't) my logo and/ or the journal itself. It's at and is called The Semicolon; Confessions of a Grammar Queen


-- Anonymous, May 26, 2000

Kat Scratches

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2000

HuaHuaville It's very new!

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2000

Sorry, I mean HuaHuaville

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2000

I'm going to pimp two sites:

And since I'm clueless about doing links, you're gonna have to cut and paste, - my personal favorite - mine, all mine.

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2000

Couldn't pass up the chance to pimp The Official Home of "The Man" Heith Carnahan.

It's got a nice weekly commentary, online journal, quotes, etc. It's fun. =)

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2000

Nidbits .

Day-to-day musings on life, sometimes I rant about relationships or parts of our society that piss me off. I'm also working on the story of my trip to Spain, which has some good bits as well.

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2000


Where hair color and hormones come together.

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2000

new boyfriend, new site. let's hope he doesn't get pissed at me posting everything.

not that I really care. ;)

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2000

Purple Star

that's the pimp!

And I recommend you to check Loobylu.

-- Anonymous, May 27, 2000

My journal, If I had a brain, I'd be dangerous.

If the html code shows up above instead of a link then it's obvious that I have no clue how to post a link. Hence, the name of the journal.

-- Anonymous, May 27, 2000

WOW! It worked! Damn good guess...

-- Anonymous, May 27, 2000

Good Swift Kick.

Confessions of a big girl who has no shame.

-- Anonymous, May 27, 2000

I have no shame, but more than a few hamsters: Uberhamster Whoa! Now were pimpin'!

-- Anonymous, May 28, 2000

Mmmmm, pimpin'. I just started a journal over at Diaryland last week. It should get a little more interesting shortly, I've just been a little obsessed with the Diablo II stress test the past couple of days. It's at :)

-- Anonymous, May 29, 2000

Generic Girl

A 4 year old girl with an attitude.

-- Anonymous, May 30, 2000

Tricks and Mirrors

is my site filled with all those standard things we all love, poetry, book lists and stories. But really, it's just a decoy for my journal, which, updated daily, is all that really matters. And I just made a new layout that I'm VERY proud of... So it would be my pleasure to have you visit!

-- Anonymous, May 30, 2000

Two sites of mine to pimp (coincidentaly, i have a pimping page of my own). First is my personal site, It's Always the Quiet Ones , where myself and two of my best friends house our journals and weblog

The second site is one i just started, Why can't I be you? a site that will be the future home of a variety of journals. Right now we are looking for more authors to join ibeyou, new or old, i know how much it sucks to be stuck on a xoom page, seems a little easier to stomach.

Thanks a lot!

-- Anonymous, May 30, 2000

okie dokie, well, Uncle Elizabeth< /a> is new so it's still in that awkward "getting to know you" phase, so just wait 'til I get my groove on.

I dreamt 'bout pamie in her play last week. But that's another thread. Does anyone else think pamie looks like Patricia Arquette?


-- Anonymous, June 28, 2000

Aw, crap, now I look like a total newbie geek because I screwed up my tag. Shit.

-- Anonymous, June 28, 2000

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