Lost in passion.

greenspun.com : LUSENET : People Photography : One Thread


I am new hereOh, not truly, I was here many times reading your posts and enjoying your pictures. So, its my time now.

This is a one out of three pictures. He is a street performer playing on streets of San Francisco. Thought, on this picture you can't really see his fingerless hands and Hawaiian guitar. The whole three shoots you can find at http://Cien_A.tripod.com/streetplayer1/streetplayer.htm


-- Andrzej (Cien) Bednarek (cien1@usa.net), May 21, 2000


Let's try this.

-- Jeff Spirer (jeff@spirer.com), May 21, 2000.

Well that was a success, wasn't it.

And now I can't see it to comment on it. I thought it needed a bit of contrast, it looked interesting even if it wasn't obvious that the fingers were missing.

-- Jeff Spirer (jeff@spirer.com), May 21, 2000.

You did a pretty good job of maintaining as much of the image as possible even though the scene was obviously high contrast...I'm sure the 400CN helped (i'm assuming that's what you were using).

Good editorial pics.

-- Edward Kang (ekang@cse.nd.edu), May 24, 2000.

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