Sources of 2x3 cut film : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

I recently picked up an old 2 1/4 x31/4 camera. My purchase was partly as a collectable and also an ocassional user. So far I have identified Film for Classics as having ready cut Tri-x and Tmax 100 for this size. Seems I also recall that Ilford supplies HP-4 in this size. Do any of you know of other sources of this old size film?

I also had planned to cut down 4x5 Kodak HIE film to two 2x3 sheets, but I just heard that Kodak has discontinued HIE in 4x5?

-- Gene Crumpler (, May 24, 2000


I think freestyle sells 2x3 sheet film but i am not sure.

-- josh (, May 24, 2000. W.B. Hunt's in Melrose, MA carries TriX in stock. They ship around the world and are very fast... pretty good prices to. When you contact them you will usually talk to Lisa or Will who are really good people. Cheers, Scott

-- Scott Walton (, May 24, 2000.

Gene according to Kodak's web site they reckon they should have enough stocks of 4x5 HIE until the end of the year. Regards,Trevor.

-- Trevor Crone (, May 24, 2000.

Thanks for the leads. I just ordered two boxes of HP4 from Freestyle.

Guess I better get a move on and make some more space in my freezer for the HIE!

-- Gene Crumpler (, May 24, 2000.

Great little camera, I cut down cromes for it also, can process 24 in same solution sixe. as for 12 4x5's

-- Bill Jefferson (, May 25, 2000.


What procedure do you use to cut down 4x5 sheets to 2x3?

-- Gene Crumpler (, May 25, 2000.

Hi Gene,

made up a 2 piece guide which sandwiches the crome in the middle with slots in it for a razor blade. Little crude but does the job, and don't scratch the film


-- Bill Jefferson (, May 25, 2000.

Gene: I made holes for regisration pins made from brads in my cutting board.The only thing I don't like is that I feel I'm handling the film too much with the potential of fingerprints and dust. I placed the holes at 2 1/4" and 3 1/4". Place all the pins, cut two sheets at a time. first the longcuts =4- 2 1/4"X4" then remove two pins and cut the 4 pieces to 3 1/4". Insert in clean holders and blow off the fresh surface before closing to minimize potential of dust. George

-- George Nedleman (, May 25, 2000.

There is a company called "Film for Classics" that carries just about anything, or they will cut down to your spec. They are on the web.

-- Mark DeMulder (, May 25, 2000.

Has anyone ever tried cutting 120 or 220 down for use in a 2x3? It seems like it would be easier as you would only have to cut one end. then why could`nt you just roll `em up on one those plastic 120 reels. Am i missing something? Josh

-- josh (, May 29, 2000.

Josh, cutting down 120 film is a problem for several reasons. First, it's the wrong width. Standard 120 rolls are 61mm wide, with most cameras making a 56mm image. Sheets of "2x3" are only 55.5mm wide, so you would have to rip a small amount off the side, not an easy procedure. Second, and most important, while sheet film is coated on a polyester base, usually 0.007" thick, rolls are on acetate. Unless you're talking about T-Max, which is 0.0047" thick, most rolls come on a 0.0036" - 0.004" base. So you must work with very thin material that takes a set and wants to maintain its curl, unlike polyester which tends to remain flat. Overall, it seems like you'd be much better off getting some FP-4 Plus from Freestyle.

-- Sal Santamaura (, May 29, 2000.

Boy you saved me some trouble.I have always meant to try it and i would have had a heck of a time tryin to get the film in the holder. josh

-- josh (, May 29, 2000.

I have enjoyed using my Speed Graphic Pacemaker 2X3 emmensely. I order my film from B&H and Calumet (unfortunately it is in HP5 Plus only). I am still exploring ways to easily cut 5X7 (gives you two 2 1/4 X 3 1/4). Yeah the lack of different types of films for this camera is the only bummer, other than that, I think it is small enough and very personable.


-- Adrian Ng'asi (, November 27, 2001.

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