2 tickets for England Brazil

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Offering here at work 50 quid each but itll be a bid war i think .. anyone interested ?

-- Anonymous, May 25, 2000


I'm interested....

-- Anonymous, May 25, 2000

best bid so far is 65 quid each mate block 242 row 50 seat 143/144 want me to put u in the game at clickety click ?

-- Anonymous, May 25, 2000

Hmmm....better not mate....I can't get hold of my mate who I thought would go with me......bloody typical!

-- Anonymous, May 25, 2000

Whaddya mean Gav. I`ve been at home all day and you haven`t rung me once! (:o)

-- Anonymous, May 25, 2000


Must've been when you were out with those bloody roses again....

-- Anonymous, May 25, 2000

Typical - story of my life that is! (:o)

-- Anonymous, May 25, 2000

I bet you never got that birthday card I sent you either?

Bloody english postal service....

-- Anonymous, May 25, 2000

You`re not wrong there!(:o)

-- Anonymous, May 25, 2000

I'll remember to hand deliver it next year.....

We're kinda hogging the bbs this afternoon....anyone else wanna come out and play? I've just noticed that you've nipped ahead of Screach in the postings league again...he'll rip his remaining two hairs out when he finds out and his poor old hedges will really be for the chop!

-- Anonymous, May 25, 2000

Well, I've been on for today and yesterday longer than for over a month! I bring you drink / footie meets, smut and intelligent remarks (somewhere, look harder!).

It's too sunny for all this work lark.

-- Anonymous, May 25, 2000

Where's everyone watching the England v Brazil match? Anybody gonna be in cental London? Thought about the Evergreens but it could be too packed...

-- Anonymous, May 25, 2000

Waddyamean? I've got all night to catch the lady.

-- Anonymous, May 25, 2000

Actually, this is about the first England game I've looked to fo ages: probably cos there's end at the light of the "Let's all boo at Shearer even in an Engalnd shirt" tunnel. However, we may have to endure Phillips.

-- Anonymous, May 25, 2000

still want them Gav >

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2000

Nope count me out mate.... :(

Let me know how much they went for though....just outta interest..

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2000

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