HELP! Burning VCDS with TOAST on MAC!!! : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread


Can someone tell me how to burn VCDS using the USB version of TOAST on Mac????

I read that I need CD - Copy, I made an iso of the vcd and then when I tried to burn it came out with loads of errors!

Someone help!

-- Chad (, May 30, 2000


Use VCD "VCDGear" for mac, It alows you to convert in a shit load of formats.... But if you can figure out how to burn a VCD from an MPG file E-Mail me... I cant get it to work... Thanks...

-- Eric (, January 03, 2001.

Copy the .dat file out of the VCD disk. You have to make a toast- compatable mpeg file. You can do this with VCDGear by converting dat- mpg and selecting "Toast-Ready Mpeg." Then simply drag this file onto the Toast Window. Incidentally, if your using a USB drive, don't try to burn it over 2x speed.

-- Chris Cushing (, January 24, 2001.

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