Importing images into : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread |
Does anyone know of a MAC plug -in or program that will allow you to import "N" number of JPEG images at one time into photoshop from the download from a digital camera? Example: You have downloaded 50 images from your camera to your Hard Drive. Now you wish to import them all into PS at once, without having to go back to the "OPEN" command from within PS for each image.
-- Peter Kunasz (, June 06, 2000
All you need to do is to select the pictures you want to open and then drag them onto the Photoshop icon. You will be limiited to the number of photos you can have open at one time by the amount of memory/scratch area you have on your machine.
-- Bill Cook (, June 06, 2000.
I know on the PC you just go to the open file menu, and shift click on all the images you want to open, click open and all the images open in order. I assume the Mac works the same but I'd have to try it to be sure. One major thing to be aware of is that if you open 50 JPEG's, they are going to decompress when you open and fill your RAM quickly. Open a couple images and see how much each one takes under the image / size dialog box.
-- Cris Daniels (, June 07, 2000.