White pixels in Casio QV3000 ??

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I just bought a new Casio QV3000EX/Ir. There is a hidden feature with which you can turn on the long expore times (shutter times 2-60seconds). I noticed that at exposure times over 6 seconds bright white (also blue and red) and quite big pixels appear. The longer the exposure time, the bigger is the amount of these pixels (usually 5-50 pixels). These pixels are not noise and they definitely come from the camera electronics itself. Is this a known feature or is this a defect? Can I reduce the number of pixels somehow? Is it hazardous to the camera? I would like to use these long exposure times. Thanks.

-- Tuomas Juhola (tuomas.juhola@nokia.com), June 06, 2000

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