Fluffy WaffleChunks

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Bored with the name your parents chose for you? or just bored at Work?

Then try this out and create a new identity. The following is an excerpt from a children's book, "Captain Underpants and the Perilous Plot of Professor Poopypants", by Dave Pilkey: The evil Professor forces everyone to assume new names .... > Use the first letter of your first name to determine your NEW first name:

a = stinky b = lumpy c = buttercup d = gidget e = crusty f = greasy g = fluffy h = cheeseball i = chim-chim j = poopsie k = flunky l = booger m = pinky n = zippy o = goober p = doofus q = slimy r = loopy s = snotty t = falafel u = dorkey v = squeezit w = oprah x = skipper y = dinky z = zsa-zsa

Use the first letter of your last name to determine the first half of your NEW last name:

a = diaper b = toilet c = giggle d = bubble e = girdle f = barf g = lizard h = waffle i = cootie j = monkey k = potty l = liver m = banana n = rhino o = burger p = hamster q = toad r = gizzard s = pizza t = gerbil u = chicken v = pickle w = chuckle x =tofu y = gorilla z = stinker

Use the last letter of your last name to determine the second half of your NEW last name:

a = head b = mouth c = face d = nose e = tush f = breath g = pants h = shorts i = lips j = honker k = butt l = brain m = tushie n = chunks o = hiney p = biscuits q = toes r = buns s = fanny t = sniffer u = sprinkles v = kisser w = squirt x =humperdinck y = brains z = juice

When you've discovered your new name, insert it after "Subject:" before forwarding to others.

-- Anonymous, June 08, 2000


DAMN this formatting! :((

Sorry folks....

-- Anonymous, June 08, 2000

fluffy bananabrains

-- Anonymous, June 08, 2000

Poopsie Chuckle Shorts....oddly enough, this is an improvement. Nicola will be pleased :-)

-- Anonymous, June 08, 2000

falafel hamster-tush

not happy with that one at all

-- Anonymous, June 08, 2000

Stinky Lizardchunks.

Ah worry about us.

-- Anonymous, June 08, 2000

Doofus Bananabuns.

Not very flattering, but perhaps accurate?

-- Anonymous, June 08, 2000

Snotty Hamsterbuns. Hmm - tasty, eh??

-- Anonymous, June 08, 2000

Doofus Gizardfanny?

-- Anonymous, June 08, 2000

Loopy Bubble-brains

Pass the spliff, man... ;-)

-- Anonymous, June 08, 2000

Cheeseball Bubblebreath.

Must stop having the Wensleydale and Fiary sandwiches.

-- Anonymous, June 08, 2000

Poopsie DaiperBuns


-- Anonymous, June 08, 2000

Buttercup Chucklenose. Sound like an old cow.

-- Anonymous, June 08, 2000

Fluffy BubbleCunks (PhD)

-- Anonymous, June 08, 2000

Squeezit Giggle-tush. I love it !

Just off to the Deed Poll thingey-place to change it officially.


-- Anonymous, June 08, 2000

Chim-chim Barfchunks

Or no real change

-- Anonymous, June 08, 2000

Stinky Bananabuns
Well at least it's easier to pronounce than my current last name ;-)

-- Anonymous, June 08, 2000

Flunky Bubble Chunks.....almost the same as Beardo's

-- Anonymous, June 08, 2000

and wor lass is Poopsie BubbleChunks!

No bliidy comments....you could regret it!

-- Anonymous, June 08, 2000

Ciara , hahahahaha , id keep me jumper on if i was you !

-- Anonymous, June 08, 2000

Pinkie Chucklechunks

Or if I used my BBS name just plain Fluffy

-- Anonymous, June 08, 2000

Oh, gus, good idea! If I use my bbs name, I'm Buttercup. :-)

And what are talking about, Sting..I took a shower this morning...err, last night..ummm, I better check my calendar and get back to you. ;-))

-- Anonymous, June 08, 2000

So has Doofus Liverfanny signed for Rangers today or is he going to have a look at SJP before taking his brother Falafel Liverfanny's advice:-))

-- Anonymous, June 08, 2000

Stinky Giggle Tush!--youve got to be joking--its too MIDDLE CLASS!!!

-- Anonymous, June 08, 2000

Poopsie waffletush - hmmm

-- Anonymous, June 08, 2000

Doofus PottyChunks or simply falafel.

-- Anonymous, June 09, 2000

fluffy giggle-brain, Worlassiz Poopsie bubble-nose

-- Anonymous, June 09, 2000

Pretty apt description of the lowlights from my trip to Majorca.

-- Anonymous, June 15, 2000

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